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12 Domestic Species of Kalanchoe

The popular Kalanchoe plant is also a succulent and belongs to the Fat family. In the wild, it grows preferably in tropical conditions in South Africa, South America and East Asia. In total, there are over two hundred species of Kalanchoe, some of them are domestic.

The people call Kalanchoe - the Household Doctor or the Tree of Life. These names are associated with the medicinal properties of certain plant species (Dergemona, Bryophyllum). This succulent is very unpretentious to care for, and is suitable for novice growers.

Kalanchoe dergemona ( Kalanchoe daigremontiana) (Bryophyllum)

This type of Kalanchoe has regenerating, antibacterial properties, stops blood well, helps with inflammation and suppuration. It also helps in the treatment of rhinitis, during colds.

12 domestic species of Kalanchoe
Kalanchoe Dergemon / Blossom

It has fleshy light green triangular toothed leaves, sometimes with dark veins. Along the edge of the leaf, between the teeth, small shoots are formed in the form of children, with small roots, which after maturation fall off and take root in the soil. An adult plant grows up to 30 cm in size. It blooms in winter, with purple or pink flowers. Read more about the medicinal properties and application of Kalanchoe

Kalanchoe pinnata ( Kalanhoe pinnáta )

12 domestic species of Kalanchoe
Kalanchoe pinnate / Flowering

It looks almost like a Dergemon species, the difference is a longer stem (up to two meters). In a plant, as it grows, the lower leaves die off, forming a tree-like stem. Also, the leaves differ in rounded shape, while in Dergemon they are triangular, sharp. It blooms with red-pink flowers that look like bells. It is actively used in folk medicine for the manufacture of tinctures, because has a healing effect. Helps with women's diseases, in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, infectious lesions of the oral cavity, colds.

Beharskoe Kalanchoe ( Kalanchoe Beharensis )

12 domestic species of Kalanchoe
Kalanchoe Behar / Blossoming

It is believed that Kalanchoe Bekharskoe purifies the air in the apartment and absorbs negative energy. This plant is ideal for schools, kindergartens and hospitals.

It has triangular olive-green leaves with an uneven edge, which are covered with fine hairs that resemble fluff. Stem up to half a meter in length, also covered with hairs. It blooms in early summer. The flowers are small, pale yellow. In nature, it grows to the size of a small tree with wide burdock leaves.

Kalanchoe felt ( Kalanchoe Tomentosa )

12 domestic species of Kalanchoe
Kalanchoe felt / Flowering

People call it "Cat ears". Unusual beautiful appearance, with small leaves densely covered with fine villi and dark red edges. This plant looks like velvet. There are various hybrid species of this Kalanchoe on sale. It blooms with red-brown (sometimes purple) flowers covered with villi. Avoid getting water on the leaves when watering.

Kalanchoe dissected ( Kalanchoe laciniata ) Lobular

12 domestic species of Kalanchoe
Kalanchoe dissected / Flowering

It also has the name "Deer Horns", for the external similarity of the leaves. Shoots first grow upward, then spread under their own weight. Leaves are light green with deep dissection. Abundant flowering with yellowish-orange inflorescences. For this species, moderate watering is important, with the mandatory drying of the substrate. In India, this species is actively used in traditional medicine.

Millota Kalanchoe ( Kalanchoe Millotii )

12 domestic species of Kalanchoe
Kalanchoe Millotta / Bloom

It has small, light green leaves with denticles along the edges, covered with small fibers. Blooms profusely with orange-yellow, light yellow or red-purple inflorescences.

Kalanchoe Blossfeld ( Kalanchoe blossfeldiana )

12 domestic species of Kalanchoe
Kalanchoe Blossfeld bloom

Decorative blooming look. It has smooth, rich green leaves of a rounded shape with dissected edges. In flower shops, there is a diverse color of inflorescences. Also sold are hybrid varieties with stuffed and terry corollas (Kalanchoe Kalandiva). After flowering, wilted inflorescences are recommended to be removed, after which the plant begins a dormant period.

If your Kalanchoe Blossfeld has not yet bloomed, you should observe the light regime, namely, the plant should be exposed to the light for no more than ten hours a day. If the daylight hours are more than ten hours, this succulent will begin to grow - stretch out by shoots, forgetting about flowering.

Kalanchoe Kalandiva (Kalandiva kalanchoe )

12 domestic species of Kalanchoe
Kalanchoe Kalandiva flowering

This is the most common decorative species, it is a hybrid of Kalanchoe Blossfeld, has a small bush size (up to 30 cm). Leaves are bright green, smooth, rounded with slightly jagged edges. Differs in abundant flowering, has bright double buds. Flowering winter-spring, then a dormant period begins, during which the plant gains strength.

Kalanchoe tubiflora ( Kalanchoe Tubiflora )

12 domestic species of Kalanchoe
Kalanchoe tube-flowered side view / top view / flowering

Unusual appearance, characterized by a tubular structure of greenish-gray leaves, with transverse stripes of reddish-brown color. Brood buds are babies, have a pale blue color, which gives the plant a stunning look. It blooms with large orange-yellow bells.

Kalanchoe marble ( Kalanchoe Marmorata )

12 domestic species of Kalanchoe
Kalanchoe marble / Blossom

In natural conditions, it grows in the mountains, at home it prefers moderate coolness indoors (+ 10-20 degrees). It has oval gray-green leaves with a rounded-toothed edge, spotted inclusions of brown or purple. Umbellate inflorescences with white four-leafed flowers. It blooms from January to April.

Kalanchoe grandiflora ( Kalanchoe grandiflora )

12 domestic species of Kalanchoe
Kalanchoe large-flowered / Flowering

It is the closest relative of Kalanchoe the Marble, originally from India. It has oval leaves with a rounded toothed edge that turns red in the sun. It blooms with pale yellow flowers, a distinctive feature of which is a pleasant delicate scent. Also prefers moderate coolness.

Kalanchoe manginii ( Kalanchoe manginii )

12 domestic species of Kalanchoe
Kalanchoe Mangina / Blossom

This Kalanchoe is quite small, its height is about fifteen centimeters, it grows well, so it can be grown as an ampelous succulent. It has small, fleshy oval-shaped leaves with rounded teeth at the edges. This plant has one feature - interesting inflorescences, in the form of bells.


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