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Properties and Uses of Kalanchoe


There are over 150 species of Kalanchoe in the world and several of these have strong medicinal properties , which are why they have been used for centuries for the production of preparations for therapeutic activity.

For example, Kalanchoe leaves can be used in traditional medicine to prepare a paste to soothe headaches, or used fresh in case of insect bites, bruises, burns, cuts or abrasions. The decoction always made with the leaves can also be used to soothe the symptoms of coughs, colds and flu.

But not all Kalanchoe varieties are created equal . As mentioned there are different types, of which many are still unknown, while others are even toxic.

Among the varieties of Kalanchoe considered valid for therapeutic purposes, the Dulce Revoluciòn association includes the following :

  • Kalanchoe Daigremontiana .
    This variety is characterized by the presence of numerous shoots on the sides of the leaves, which fall to the ground quickly root, giving life to a new seedling. She is called in many names: Arantes, Mother of Thousands and Mexican Kalanchoe.
  • Kalanchoe Pinnata .
    It is also called "Goethe's plant", as it was held in high esteem by the German botanist and poet Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe. In Latin America it is also called: Witch Grass, Prodigious, Leaf of Air, Always Alive and Colombian
  • Kalanchoe Gastonis-bonneri .
    The scientific name was given to it by the French botanist Gaston Bonnier. It has larger leaves than other species and is also known as "Donkey Ears" due to the particular appearance of the leaves.

Medical use

Kalanchoe are plants that operate globally within the body, so their spectrum of action is very broad . In traditional medicine, particularly in Latin America, Asia and Africa, the leaves are used both internally and externally , to treat the following diseases and ailments:

  • Injury and related damage to cells, such as cancer
  • Deep wounds and gangrene;
  • Infections, burns;
  • Rheumatism;
  • Inflammations;
  • Hypertension;
  • Kidney stones;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Diseases of the Psyche: schizophrenia, panic attacks and fears.

Josep Pàmies , founding member of the Dulce Revoluciòn association, with years of experience accumulated in the field of medicinal herbs, strongly recommends the consumption of fresh Kalanchoe leaves ( Daigremontiana, or Pinnata, or Gastonis ) for the treatment of any type of Cancer .

In the event that the tumor afflicts an external part of the body (for example a skin tumor), the leaves can also be applied externally, as well as consumed internally.

Josep Pàmies also recommends the use of Kalanchoe Daigremontiana for the treatment of diabetes (in association with the leaves of Stevia Rebaudiana).

Finally, he recommends the consumption of Kalanchoe Pinnata leaves for the treatment of mental illnesses , such as schizophrenia, depression, panic attacks and anxiety.

How are the leaves used?

The part used is mainly the leaves eaten raw, or used externally.

External use

The leaves must be crushed like a poultice, or they can be squeezed manually or with a centrifuge, until the juice is obtained, which will be mixed with vegetable oil to then be used on the body as an ointment. Used in this way, the plant has anti-inflammatory, anti-haemorrhagic and astringent properties.

Internal use

The leaves can be eaten raw on their own, or mixed in salads, or in the form of juice, adding a little water to give more volume, or elongated with fresh fruit juices. Alternatively, the infusion of the leaves is also good.

Dosage : For internal use, up to 30 grams of fresh leaves can be consumed per day (roughly the size of a credit card).
For the preparation of the infusion, the leaf is used in the quantity of a soup spoon for 250 ml of water (approximately one cup). To be taken three infusions a day on an empty stomach, before each meal (breakfast, lunch and dinner).


Do not use during pregnancy , because the consumption of Kalanchoe leaves can stimulate uterine contractions and thus promote abortion.

Prolonged consumption is not recommended. Generally it is recommended to consume the leaves every day, for a month in a row, and then take a 15-day break.

All plants of the Kalanchoe genus contain bufadienolides , which are cardiac glycosides. For this reason, in patients suffering from heart disease , or who have suffered from it in the past, a medical consultation is strongly recommended before use .

Clinical studies conducted on Kalanchoe plants indicate that its components can be toxic to the body if a dosage of 5 grams per day per kg of weight is exceeded. In a person weighing 60 kg, the limit would therefore be 300 g of Kalanchoe leaves per day , a dosage that is still 10 times higher than that recommended by Peter tesla or 30 g per day


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