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Kalanchoe: 26 popular species and their description

Kalanchoe is a fairly popular plant. This flower belongs to the genus of succulents and is considered a representative of the Tolstyankov family , which has about 200 varieties. In the natural environment, Kalanchoe grows in the subtropics and tropics.

Popular succulent

Most often, the plant is presented in the form of a semi-shrub, but there are also herbaceous varieties. The most popular types of Kalanchoe are described below. In this article, you can also see photos and names of varieties of this magnificent plant.

Kalanchoe fiery

Kalanchoe fiery

As the name suggests, the plant has a bright red color. Homeland is Somalia with rocky soils. The plant has umbrella-shaped inflorescences , inverted egg-shaped leaves.

They usually grow up to 40 cm in height and do not branch out. Kalanchoe red is distinguished by triangular petals. Recommended to grow in pots at medium temperature and low humidity.

Felt Kalanchoe or tomentosa (kalanchoe tomentosa)

Felt Kalanchoe

This plant was brought from Madagascar and is often compared to the ears of a cat. The stem of this plant is even and straight. The shoot is completely covered with hairs .

The flower has umbellate inflorescences, long leaves, a short corolla tube. The plant has several varieties . Flowers are often used as decoration.

Important! Kalanchoe viviparous or bryophyllum is no less popular. This species has many useful properties.

Kalanchoe Kalandiva

Kalandiva variety

This representative is considered a subspecies of Blossfeld's kalanchoe, created in greenhouse conditions. If the parent flower is often large, then the mini version is more compact.

With proper care, there can be from 20 to 50 buds on one stalk of Kalanchoe Kalandiva . You will not see a plant that grows more than 30 cm in height, but the bush is constantly covered with many flowers .

Kalanchoe degremon (kalanchoe daigremontianum)

Large succulent

Kalanchoe of this species lives for several years, is a large succulent, since it reaches a length of up to half a meter. Each leaf of Kalanchoe degremon does not exceed 10 cm in size , at the bottom they are bright green, and the front side is painted in a gray-green tint. The whole plant is covered with small purple pigments and it has a  paniculate inflorescence . Flowering occurs more often in winter.

Kalanchoe degremona differs in the way of reproduction. Buds appear along the edges of the leaves in the intervals between the cloves, from which new shoots with small air roots begin to develop . Once ripe, they fall into the ground and begin their own life cycle.

Feathery Kalanchoe (kalanchoe pinnata)

Feathery kolanchoe

The homeland of the plant is Madagascar, on rocky soil in the mountains for it the most favorable conditions. The plant is large, grows up to a meter high , lives for several years. The lower and upper leaves of the plant differ in color and design: the former are simple in shape, and the upper ones are more carved. Kalanchoe white has buds that are directed downward, differ in reddish-green color , may bloom not regularly, but in large quantities.

Tubular Kalanchoe (kalanchoe tubiflora)

Tube plant

The homeland of the flower is also the lands of Madagascar. This variety is often called Tirsiflora. The size of the plant is large, it grows up to 60 cm upward, the flower lives for several years. A distinctive feature is the many thin and long leaves over 10 cm in length.

The upper shoots of the plant are usually equipped with numerous buds. The plates have a green tint with grayish and brownish spots. Tubular Kalanchoe is a decorative flower with numerous buds. It develops well at home , which is what many housewives love.

Important! Kalanchoe tirsiflora is divided into certain varieties. There are tall, medium height and low species. Kalanchoe flowers are often of various colors - bright pink, deep purple, deep red, orange, light purple, white, pale yellow.

Kalanchoe Blossfeld (kalanchoe blossfeldiana)

Blossfeld's succulent cultivar

The Kalanchoe was originally seen in Madagascar, where the humus soil and humid forest climate are ideal conditions for its development . It grows up to 35 cm upwards, has the shape of a semi-shrub. The plant is distinguished by green egg-shaped leaves with a reddish edging. It blooms in many flowers in umbrella-shaped inflorescences from February to May. Flowers are red.

As a rule, shoots should be removed after flowering. This should be done in order for the plant to endure the winter well. The activity begins by moving the pot into the shade . The number of waterings should be significantly reduced. For the first month, it is recommended to refuse irrigation altogether. After two months, return the flowerpot to the sunny side and carry out the usual care.

This flower is the progenitor of garden and ampel flowers. Kalanchoe is used for decoration, blooms in yellow, white, red, purple, pink flowers . There are low and high varieties.

Kalanchoe laciniata

Deer horns view

This view is rightfully considered the most interesting. Laciniata are also called Kalanchoe antlers The plant lives for several years, has fleshy and juicy stems, which at first grow straight and then begin to creep along the ground.

The leaves are distinguished by their original shape: they are serrate along the edge, and the surface is smooth , as if covered with wax. The color of the plates is deep green.

Dissected Kalanchoe (kalanchoe laciniata)

Dissected stems

The land of Asia and Africa are considered the homeland of the flower. It lives for several years, has dense, hard stems and shoots that initially grow straight, but as they grow, they begin to creep along the soil. Kalanchoe received the name dissected due to the shape of the leaves: they are light green in color with teeth clearly visible along the edges .

The plant blooms profusely. It manifests itself well in sandy sod soil. In autumn and winter, it is important to produce very poor watering, but provide it with sufficient illumination . Shoots should be periodically corrected by pruning. The plant is used not only as a decor for a room, but also popular in alternative medicine in India.

Panicled Kalanchoe (kalanchoe thyrsiflora)

Rounded leaves

The culture differs in many leaves, lives for several years and grows to more than half a meter . The leaves of the paniculate-flowered Kalanchoe are rounded at the ends, white-silver in color. The plates are located less frequently at the top than at the bottom.

The name suggests that the type of inflorescence of the flower is a panicle. Kalanchoe blooms with a yellow tint. The petals are small. Flowering is usually observed in May or late April . It is used as an ornamental plant, propagates by bulbous buds.

Kalanchoe luciae

Dense and hard leaves

The leaves of the presented Kalanchoe species are very dense and hard, they grow around the stem, and are large in size. The upper plates have a bluish bloom , and the lower ones are colored green and purple.

Due to the vertical arrangement of the leaves, the plant has an interesting appearance. To observe flowering, the Kalanchoe must grow for about two years. The buds will be bright yellow . The plant has the ability to wilt after flowering, but it can be restored through the shoot-offs.

Important! According to Feng Shui, Kalanchoe is the most noble plant.

Kalanchoe Fedchenko (kalanchoe fedtschenkoi)

Kalanchoe Fedchenko

This variety has oval, thick leaves with perimeter teeth. They are colored bright green. If the flower is under the sun or if it is planted on the sunny side, the leaves around the edges may acquire red and pink shades .

Some varieties differ in the color of the plates: they can be painted in yellow, white, cream shades at the edges. The flower grows 30 cm up. The bell-shaped buds look down and are painted salmon pink.

Kalanchoe pumila (kalanchoe pumila)

Small shrub

Pumila grows as a small shrub, the shoots of which at the beginning grow strictly vertically , however, reaching 25 cm they hang down. Young leaves appear as a fan. They differ in their colors.

Often, the plates acquire a dark green tone with a bluish bloom. As they grow, they turn brown or purple. Pumila blooms with bright pink and purple flowers .

In medicine, this culture has been used for a long time. It is rich in vitamins, organics, flavonoids, minerals, tannins and polysaccharides .

Kalanchoe manginii (manginii) (kalanchoe manginii)

Ampel plant

With its leaves, this flower resembles the Blossfeld variety. Differences can be seen in color and design. In Kalanchoe mangin, the flowers are much larger, pink, and bell-shaped. The ampelous plant is considered very beautiful, the buds appear in early spring .

The structure of the inflorescences resembles spreading clusters. Each of them is capable of producing about 10 flowers. The plant has a medium size, color - orange-red , bell-shaped in shape. Buds ripen inside the flowers, which play a role in reproduction.

Kalanchoe marble (kalanchoe marmorata)

Marble grade

Another name - variegated Kalanchoe, grows in the natural environment in the mountains of Ethiopia . The flower is about half a meter in height, it has the shape of a large shrub, the leaves of which are shaped like an inverted egg.

The plant got its name due to the original color of the leaves: they have both green and brown shades, with brown and purple dots. Coloring allows the plant to hide among stones on clay soil.

Kalanchoe grandiflora (kalanchoe grandiflora)

Large-flowered plant

This type of flower is close to marble. It grows in India. The appearance is practically the same as that of the variegated relative, however, there is no pronounced pattern on the leaves .

The height of the plant ranges from 50-60 cm , the stem grows straight, along it are light green leaves on small legs. If the plant grows in the sun, the leaves turn purple or pink, to a greater extent the shade changes around the edges .

Kalanchoe rosalina mix

Loose buds

This plant can be distinguished by its rich double flowers and glossy rounded leaves. The buds in a loose form, in a Kalanchoe mix, grow very delicate in appearance . Shades of colors are pink, purple, white, yellow. The plant is unpretentious to care for.

Kalanchoe growing (kalanchoe prolifera)

Sprawling bush

The natural habitat of the Kalanchoe is Madagascar, here the plant reaches almost two meters in height. A young culture immediately acquires a straight, strong stem with a rosette of leaves at the top .

Over time, the plates at the bottom of the stem fall off, and it remains naked, with only the top covered. It takes several years for the plant to bloom. The buds are formed in paniculate inflorescences , which gives the culture a special charm.

Kalanchoe marnier (kalanchoe marnieriana)

Marnier variety

This species grows in the form of a half-shrub, has succulent gray leaves growing around the shoots. Kalanchoe grows up to 55 cm, and grows well in diameter e due to the stems creeping around. In the cool period, the leaves of the plant acquire a pink-lilac color, so the bush becomes outwardly more attractive. The flowers are downward-looking, red or bright orange . The plant originally originated on the island of Madagascar, specifically in rocky areas.

Kalanchoe porphyrocalyx (kalanchoe porphyrocalyx)

Bell-shaped flowers

This type of Kalanchoe is really unique, because it can grow in the most unsuitable places for this. The flowers are bell-shaped and have two colors.

In nature, it can be found both on rocky surfaces and on tree trunks. The leaves are light green in color, long in shape, encircling the entire trunk of the plant . Kalanchoe bloom lasts about two weeks.

Kalanchoe laxiflora (kalanchoe laxiflora)

leaves with border

The habitat of the loose-flowered Kalanchoe is the humid rocky areas of Madagascar. The plant has adapted to life on uneven surfaces. The length of adult shoots reaches 50 cm .

The color of the leaves is very interesting: a green-blue base and a red-brown border around the perimeter. Some species are distinguished by completely red plates . Outwardly, the Kalanchoe is similar to the Mangin variety, but larger and more powerful in size.

The denticles on the edges of the leaves very favorably highlight the ovoid shape . Flowers can appear in pink-purple, orange, lilac, red shades.

Kalanchoe gastonis bonnieri (kalanchoe gastonis bonnieri)

A flower called donkey ears

Gastonis bonnieri or Kalanchoe yellow is also known as a representative of the flora of Madagascar. Here it is called donkey ears due to the special shape of the leaves. In height, gastonis reaches half a meter.

The lower leaves, old, have a red or brown tint, and the young ones, located at the top, are green-silver in color. The flowering period of this culture is winter . It is in the cold season that the buds bloom on brownish peduncles. They have a yellow tint.

Kalanchoe Beharskoe (kalanchoe beharensis)

Succulent plant

This is a representative of the southern plants of Madagascar. A characteristic feature of the Kalanchoe is considered to be a large height and original leaves. Their surface is, as it were, smeared with gray wax.

At the top of the shoot, loose inflorescences develop, from which pale yellow and green flowers appear. The culture develops best in cool weather, but during a drought, the flower will survive .

Kalanchoe synsepala (kalanchoe synsepala)

Large leaves

This Kalanchoe variety immediately attracts attention: the large size of the leaves is very attractive, they have a burgundy border and teeth around the perimeter. The natural environment is slopes and uneven ground with stones .

The plant perfectly adapts to changes in the weather: it manifests itself well both in heat and in coolness. Long processes begin to emerge from the axils of the leaves , and new leaves begin to tie at their ends. This is how the plant reproduces.

Flowers are formed in corollas of paniculate inflorescences . Most often they are pink or white.

Kalanchoe figuereidoi partridge (kalanchoe figuereidoi)

Partridge-like plant

This succulent grows no more than 50 cm tall. Its leaves grow in rosettes , have a green-gray tint, and are purple at the edges.

At the top of the plates, purple-brown stripes are visible, due to which the bush, at first glance, looks like a partridge. The color of the sheets changes with the seasons : as the temperature decreases, they become brighter.

Kalanchoe hildebrandtii

a flower pot on the street

The leaves of the plant in question are shaped like coffee spoons , and their color is silver. Due to this color, the opened bud looks very original and does not look like fellows. The bush reaches a height of 38 cm, blooms mainly in the winter season. All buds take on a bright orange color and stand out against the background of silvery leafy plates .

Among the many Kalanchoe, the species described above are the most popular. They not only have an attractive appearance, but are also very easy to care for. In order for this amazing flower to decorate the room all year round, you just need to follow simple rules .


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